Friday, July 27, 2012

NetFlow V9 Tips

To view

To show how many packets have been exported the “show ip cache flow” or “show ip cache verbose flow” commands can be used.  The “show ip flow export” command can be used to view the configuration on the device.

The other thing to do is to run this on the harvester:

Mysql harvester
Select inet_ntoa(router),from_unixtime(ObsTime) from routers order by router;

If the obstime is not updating the either you have a firewall or something between the router and the harvester or your harvester does not have snmp access to the device.

See the commander.  Are a couple Nexus router recommended configs.  Note that they have specifications for v9.

Manufacturer:  Cisco
Commands:  NetFlow
Device Model:  Nexus 7000
How to enable NetFlow on Cisco Nexus 7000 series NX-OS Switch

Hardware Required:  Nexus 7000 family
NX-OS Version: 4.0(2) or greater

Cisco's NX-OS NetFlow Configuration

Cisco's new NX-OS contains a completely different set of CLI commands versus the widely known IOS platform.  With NX-OS, Netflow configuration is created by multiple mappings and record formats.  These mappings and records are split into various types listed below.  When moving from one section to the other, you should make sure you exit back to configuration mode form the sub-mode you are in.


In global configuration:
feature netflow
flow timeout active 60
flow timeout inactive 59
flow timeout fast 64 threshold 30

Create Flow Record (only if not using the default flow record type):
flow record [nameOfFlowRecord]
match ip protocol
match ip tos
match transport source-port
match transport destination-port
match ipv4 source address
match ipv4 destination address
match input interface
match output interface
collect routing source as
collect routing destination as
collect routing next-hop address ipv4
collect transport tcp flags
collect counter bytes
collect counter packets
collect timestamp sys-uptime first
collect timestamp sys-uptime last

Create Flow Exporter:
flow exporter [nameOfExporter]
destination [IPofHarvester]

source [interfaceName]
transport udp 9995
version 9
option exporter-stats timeout 60

NOTE:  If using version 9 netflow, include the following command:
template data timeout 300

Create Flow Monitor (references Flow Exporter):
flow monitor [nameOfMonitor]
exporter [nameOfExporter]
record netflow-original

For each Interface:
ip flow monitor [nameOfMonitor] input
OR1 output

To enable Bridged Netflow on a VLAN(s):
ip flow monitor [nameOfMonitor] input OR1 output

NOTE:  You can enter a VLAN range prior to entering the command above (i.e. vlan 1 - 3967 instead of each vlan separately)

NOTE:  NetFlow is not necessary to be configured on loopback interfaces as no routed traffic should be passing on that interface type.

NetFlow Debug Commands:

show flow [exporter | interface | monitor | record | timeout] - Displays general netflow statistics for the selected option
show hardware flow utilization module [module] - Displays information about Netflow utilization in hardware
show hardware flow ip - Displays the flow records currently in memory (cache).

Online Information:  Official Cisco Nexus 7000 Series NX-OS NetFlow Configuration Guide

1. If you are using ReporterAnalyzer 8.3 or greater, we recommend enabling both ip flow egress AND ip flow ingress on each interface and sub-interface.

Manufacturer:  Cisco
Commands:  NetFlow
Device Model:  Nexus 1000V
How to enable NetFlow on Cisco Nexus 1000V series NX-OS Switch

Hardware Required:  Nexus 1000V
NX-OS Version: 4.0 or greater

Cisco's NX-OS NetFlow Configuration

Cisco's new NX-OS contains a completely different set of CLI commands versus the widely known IOS platform.  With NX-OS, Netflow configuraiton is created by multiple mappings and record formats.  These mappings and records are split into various types listed below.  When moving from one section to the other, you should make sure you exit back to configuration mode form the sub-mode you are in.


Create Flow Record:
flow record [nameOfFlowRecord]
match ipv4 source address
match ipv4 destination address

Create Flow Exporter:
flow exporter [nameOfExporter]
destination [IPofHarvester]

source [interfaceName]
transport udp 9995
version 9
template data timeout 300

Create Flow Monitor (references Flow Exporter):
exporter [nameOfExporter]
record netflow-original
timeout active 60
cache size 4096

For each Interface:
ip flow monitor [nameOfMonitor] input
OR1 output

NOTE:  NetFlow is not necessary to be configured on loopback interfaces as no routed traffic should be passing on that interface type.

NetFlow Debug Commands:

show flow [exporter | interface | monitor | record | timeout] - Displays general netflow statistics for the selected option

Online Information:  Official Cisco Nexus 1000V Series NX-OS NetFlow Configuration Guide

1. If you are using ReporterAnalyzer 8.3 or greater, we recommend enabling both ip flow egress AND ip flow ingress on each interface and sub-interface.

In D:\NETQOS\Netflow\datafiles\ReaperWork look for cmp files > 1k

For pump issues I look in these locations for stuck files

If files have backed up it most often is due to “DSA credentials” not set correctly (look in the latest D:\NetQos\reporter\Logs\NetworkSharePumpLog[DATE].log for connection issues)

A worse problem is that the share doesn’t even exist.  Should be

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