Thursday, June 7, 2012

How to Track Project Hours in Clarity

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This page details how to use Clarity to run reports for hours used in a project. This is necessary if the project is a time and materials project and the customer requires this information on a weekly or monthly basis.
Determine the Hours worked by each consultant
  • Log into Clarity
  • Select Time Review from the left hand column under Personal
  • Find the column for Timesheet Detail Review and click [Expand Filter]
  • Under the Project Field, search for the project number (e.g. *4431) and select the correct project
  • The details of the hours worked for the previous week will be displayed. Change the timeframe to see previous weeks.
Determine the Total Project Hours Used
  • Under the Portfolio Management menu on the left, select Projects
  • Click Expand Filter in the upper right if the filter is not showing
  • Enter the ProjectID number (e.g. *4431) and select Filter to find the project
  • Click the Project Name
  • Click the Tasks Menu at the Top of the page
The Actuals are the actual number of hours billed to the project
The ETC is the number of hours left
The number at the end of the role (e.g. Assoc Cons 140:654) is the total hours in the project 

(e.g. 654 is the total hours in this example)
Finally create a report using the hours billed for this week, the total hours used and the hours left over for the project and send this to the customer.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Mysql commands

show databases

use super

mysql super


See what you get from these queries on the DSA:

mysql -P3308 nqrptr
select * from settings;

select * from parameters;

mysql -P 3308 nqrptr < D:\settings.sql


You could start with

mysqlcheck --auto-repair -A

and see if that reports any corruption

DbbackupMT.exe netqosportal d:\backup
Inactive interfaces script:

Hi Rob. Katie’s query redirected to output file would be a good start:
D:> Mysql –P 3308 reporter –e “Select RouterName, Name, Enabled, from_unixtime(LastData) from agents_all_view where LastData < unix_timestamp()-86400 and enabled=’Y’ order by RouterName” > d:\inactive.txt