How do I free up some space when the C:/ drive is near full?RESOLUTION
The simplest thing to do to free up some space on the C:/ drive is to run the NQDiskCleaner utility. Just download the tool and run it anywhere on the server. It will remove any unnecessary and temporary files.ftp://ftp.ca.com/pub/netqos/supporttools/releasedtools/nqdiskcleaner.zip (see options below)
Use windirstat to find out what is taking the most space. http://sourceforge.net/projects/windirstat/.
That will show disk usage in a visual way where you can see what is taking up the most space. Look at C:, and see if you can clean up some disk space.
If this doesn't free up enough space, you can move the page file over to the D:/ drive. To do this, just follow these steps:
- Right click on My Computer -> Properties
- Select Advanced tab.
- Click Settings in the Performance section.
- Select Advanced tab.
- Click Change in the Virtual memory section.
- Note the values under 'Initial size (MB):' and 'Maximum size (MB):'
- Select the D: drive. Select 'Custom size:'
- Change the values to match the ones noted in step 6.
- Click 'Set'
- Select the C: drive.
- Select 'No paging file'
- Click 'Set'
- Click 'OK' three times.
- Select Yes to Reboot the server.
You could also try moving the windows temp folders to the D:\ drive, where there is usually more space.
- Right click on My Computer and select Properties.
- Click on the Advanced Tab.
- Click on the Environment Variables button at the bottom.
- In the bottom section of the window (System Variables), scroll down to the bottom where TEMP and TMP are.
- For both TEMP and TMP, left-click on the variable name, then click "Edit".
- Change the variable value from "%SystemRoot%\TEMP" to "D:\netqos\temp".
- Click ok, then repeat the procedure so both TEMP and TMP are set to the new directory.
- Create the D:\netqos\temp directory if it does not already exist.
- Restart the server.
Another thing that can be done is to clean up the web service logs, if they are enabled, in C:\WINDOWS\system32\LogFiles\W3SVC1.
You can disable them by going into IIS manager and right click the Websites folder and select properties, and uncheck the Enable Logging box. Then reset IIS in cmd: iisreset.
NQ Disk Cleaner
-Deletes hidden folders in C:\windows. Typically these are backup files from Windows Updates containing files replaced by specific Windows OS patches.-Runs Windows Disk Cleanup. It enables all options, including hidden options within the tool then runs the tool to delete files.
Options enabled: Recycle Bin Content Indexer Cleaner Downloaded Program Files Internet Cache Files Memory Dump Files Microsoft Event Reporting Offline Files Offline Page Files Old ChkDsk Files Remote Desktop Cache Files Setup Log Files Temporary Files Temporary Offline Files WebClient and WebPublisher Cache Active Setup temp folders Compress old files-Deletes IIS logs in c:\windows\system32\LogFiles\W3SVC\ or c:\winnt\system32\LogFiles\W3SVC\
-Empties the Recycle Bin